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Within city limits:

The city of Kodiak requires all dogs to be under control at all times on public property in accordance with ordinance 7.04.060 (a) Control of Animals Which states that a person who is the owner or custodian of a dog shall keep and maintain the dog under control at all times when the dog is off the premises of the owner or custodian and not confined within an enclosure by restraining the dog with a leash, cord or chain not more than ten feet in length, secured to the animal and fastened to a stationary object or held by the owner or a custodian of sufficient age and maturity to control the dog.

Within borough limits:

The Kodiak Island Borough ordinance for control of animals 6.04.100 (b) A dog or other animal that is unrestrained and not under the immediate control of its owner shall be impounded by a peace officer or animal control officer when found at large on the streets, alleys, or public places within the borough, or on private property in the borough if the officer has the permission of the owner or occupant of the property.

Dog Friends

All dogs & cats that have been impounded will become the property of the Humane Society of Kodiak after 72 hours, and may be put up for adoption. The Kodiak Animal Shelter reserves the right to charge a boarding fee of $25 per day.

Impound fines in both the city and borough are as follows:

     1st offense: $50

     2nd offense: $75

     3rd or more offense: $125

Additional fees that may charged:

      $20.00 deposit for all impounded dogs that lack a current rabies vaccination.  The deposit shall be returned to the owner or custodian upon receipt, within one week, of a certificate by a licensed veterinarian attesting to the immunization of the animal and upon acquisition of the necessary license.

All dogs, both in the city & borough are required to have a current license before they are released.

     $35 Unspayed or unneutered

     $10 Spayed or neutered

       $5 Replacement license

Impounded pets may be reclaimed Tuesday - Friday between 12pm - 6pm and Saturday 12pm - 5pm.

**Pets will not be released after normal operating hours**

** If you are unable to reclaim your dog within the 72 hour hold, a $25 per day boarding fee, will be charged. ** 

The $25 per day boarding fee is per dog

This is an additional & separate fee that is paid directly to the Kodiak Animal Shelter and you MUST contact the shelter manager before the 72 hour hold time expires to set up.



 Although the Kodiak Animal Shelter is operated by the Humane Society of Kodiak (HSK), it is a city animal shelter and shelter staff are required to follow all policies set forth by the City of Kodiak and the Kodiak Island Borough regarding impounded pets, fines and all other associated fees. The Humane Society of Kodiak or their staff may not at any time waive any or all impound fines and fees, nor accept payment of these fees.  All fines and fees for both city and borough residents may only be paid at the Kodiak Police Department. 

The HSK does not receive any funds from fines or fees incurred by owners; but receives funding through generous donations, memberships, and grants.  In return, the HSK provides thousands of dollars each year in financial assistance to those in the community with pets in need, funds spay/neuter programs throughout the year, and provides for the medical care and needs of shelter pets.  

Veterinarian with Dog




Pet Carrier
With​ Pets
Dog Grooming Tools

Holiday Closures

New Years Day

4th of July


Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Years Eve

Hours of Operation​

Tuesday: 12pm - 5pm

Wednesday - Friday: 12pm - 6pm

Saturday: 12pm - 5pm




Contact Information​

Phone: (907) 486-8077

Animal Control: (907) 486-8000

Fax: (907) 486-5056

Facility Location

2409 Mill Bay Rd

Kodiak, AK 99615

Mailing Address

PO Box 8783

Kodiak, AK 99615

The Humane Society of Kodiak (HSK) is 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable corporation. Contributions to The HSK are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.  The HSK is not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) or any other national organization. HSK is a local, independent non-profit. Views of the HSUS or other organizations do not reflect the views of the HSK.

Tax ID: 92-0148196
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